
SO 14001 certificate

Rederiaktiebolaget Eckerö including the subsidiaries Eckerö Linjen, Eckerö Line och Eckerö Shipping. is certified to the ISO 14001:2015 environmental management standard. The certification covers both land and sea operations. Of course we conduct operations in accordance with applicable environmental laws and certification is a guarantee that we make continuous environmental improvements.

The subsidiary Williams Buss has become the first bus company in Finland that has obtained proof of Environment and Energy responsible bus companiy that comply with ISO 14001.


The organization and ships of Eckerö Group is certified according to the ISM – Code. ISM – the code is a documented safety and environmental system to ensure that everyone within the organization functions as agreed in safety and environmental issues. This certification requires that we e.g. takes responsibility for our environmental impact and that we follow directives, regulations and legislation.

Minimal environmental impact

Our goal is to minimize our environmental impact and we are continuously working to develop new methods of disposal of emissions and wastes from our ships and other businesses.

The purpose of Eckerö Group’s environmental work is that it should be a natural part of our daily work. Everyone in the organization have a responsibility to actively monitor and develop the environmental goals.


All are involved in the environmental work and is responsible for the environment in their own workplace. An important part of the compulsory training for new employees is the manner in which wastes should be treated right in their workplace. All staff receive ongoing training in the company’s environmental work.