
The Company has one Auditor who is elected at the Annual General Meeting for a term expiring at the end of the next Annual General Meeting. The Auditor examine the Company’s accounts and financial statements. After completion of this examination, the Board receives a review report, and an Auditors’ Report is submitted to the Annual General Meeting.

The Company’s Auditor is:

The auditing firm BDO Oy

with Andreas Holmgård, Authorized Public Accountant (CGR) and Jukka Korin, Authorized Public Accountant (CGR) , as responsible auditors.

Auditors fee are adopted by the Annual General Meeting. According to the decision in force, fees are paid according to regular invoices. The Group’s auditing expenses amounted to EUR 64,000 during 2022 (2021: 64,000). The expenses of other services provided by the Group’s Auditors as well as their auditing firms were EUR 10,000 during 2022 (2021: 24,000).